On autumn mornings, the Calcaia vineyards are surrounded by a thick fog. The grapes, in this particular micro-climate condition, are gradually affected by a particular rot, the “Botrytis Cinerea”. This microscopic fungus, that is usually harmful, transforms itself into the amazing Noble Rot only if certain fundamental weather occurrences take places: alternating humid mornings and sunny ventilated evenings. This Rot, tends to progressively dehydrate the grapes, concentrating sugar and acidity. The “Botrytis Cinerea” enriches and exalts the complexity of the wine, giving unique and unmistakable aromatic and tasting notes. The Botritys Cinerea operates in different time on every different grape and vine.The harvesters are trained to pick only the grapes that have the “rotten” effect, leaving on the vines those grapes that are not ready. For this reason we need almost five or six different harvests, during November and December, to complete the crop. The musts that we obtain are very rich, perfumed and concentrated. The fermentation is slow and constant for a long period of time and stops naturally.The first official vintage was 1986 although the experimentation started in the late seventies, guided by the hand and passion of Luigi Barberani.
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